You are not required to replace any file when you install this mod. This mod is installed in it's separate folder, and no files overwrite anything in SWAT4 directory. To install Level-13 :
- Create a new folder, namely 'Level-13' in your SWAT 4 game directory.
eg. C:\Games\SWAT 4\Level-13
- Install this mod into the new folder (Level-13)
- Launch the mod by running 'Level-13.bat' from the mod folder or desktop shortcut.
eg. C:\Games\SWAT 4\Level-13\Level-13.bat
Level-13 is a map pack for SWAT 4 containing 'modified' versions of official SWAT 4 maps to new 'user created' maps from scratch along with some 'realistic' weapons updates. Details:
'Official Maps' are what originally came with SWAT 4 created by Irrational. These maps have been changed/updated keeping in mind the 'balance' issues in most of them because of bad spawn points, unrealistic lightning to some irregular level design. These maps will be updated regularly according to input received from the community.
Following official maps are available right now:
MP-AutoGarage (Victory Imports Auto Garage)
Players: 6-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-ConvenienceStore (Quick Fuel Convenience)
Players: 4-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-Courthouse (Crewer County Courthouse)
Players: 8-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-FairfaxResidence (Fairfax Residence)
Players: 4-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-Foodwall (Food Wall Restaurant)
Players: 4-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-RedLibrary (Red Library Offices)
Players: 8-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-Tenement (Children of Taronne)
Players: 10-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
MP-Training (Riverside Training Facility)
Players: 8-16
Modes: BS | VE | RD
These maps have been created by modders. These aren't official maps. All official maps have 'UN' in their file name (eg. MP-UNmyMap.s4m)
Don't worry, these updates don't affect damage or recoil or any default setting set by Irrational. So there is no balance issues. Only thing updated for weapons are the weapon attributes related to reticule (cross-hair) update rates. In real life, I doubt it that a professional SWAT officer will shoot so badly when walking or running. Though my updates won't make weapons perfect and most of you will see the changes almost non-existent, there are few main updates.
1) Now Carbine has 3 fire modes. Auto / Semi / Burst (3 round burst)
2) Pepper Spray now has 20 ammo. This is useful for VIP Escort. Though it is to be noted, increase in ammo gives only few more seconds of spray.
3) Stingers cause a little more damage.
4) Less Lethal Shotgun though can shoot a little better, does a little more damage than before. Nothing that will kill in 2-3 shots though.
NOTE: If you don't want to use the weapons updates then:
- Goto the 'System' folder in your SWAT4 directory (eg. C:\Games\SWAT 4\Content\System), and copy 'SwatEquipment.ini' file.
- Then goto the Level-13 mod folder and it's 'System' folder (eg. C:\Games\SWAT 4\Level-13\System) and paste the 'SwatEquipment.ini' you just copied replacing the one that exists in this folder.
*Version 0.4b
- Added 2 new official maps.
- Added the new Level-13 logo
- New installer changes with new graphics and settings
- Minor changes in GUI and maps level design
- More detailed installation and Readme file
- Gasoline cans in Food Wall map (in alley) do damage in larger radius than before
- Added credits in-game
*Version 0.3a
- Added new maps. Total 6 MP (official) maps are now playable.
- Updated level design in Food Wall Restaurant map along with new SWAT spawn location
- Some minor tweaks for future CO-OP updates (tweaks affect all modes)
- Now Carbine has 3 fire modes. Auto / Semi / Burst (3 round burst)- Pepper Spray now has 20 ammo. This is useful for VIP Escort. Though it is to be noted, increase in ammo gives only few more seconds of spray.
- Stingers cause a little more damage.
- Less Lethal Shotgun though can shoot a little better, does a little more damage than before. Nothing that will kill in 2-3 shots though.
*Version 0.2a
- Made few more changes in the map.
- Updated weapons informations.
- Damage and Recoil for weapons has been left unchanged, only recovery rate has been improved to be more realistic.
- Some menu changes
*Version 0.1a
- First release of Level-13 with 2 updated maps
The official maps supplied with this map pack were created by Irrational and not by me. I have only 'updated' them to make them almost flawless or more fun online than before thanks to community feedback and testing. These maps will provide some longevity to the gameplay cause I am sure many of you are already bored of playing official maps and curse every time some spawn camper kills you right when you re-spawn. My updates are meant to remove or at least minimize these problems.
You are allowed to distribute this pack as long as you aren't making any profit from it. This map pack is for SWAT community and feel free to distribute it anywhere. I would appreciate if you send me your feedback and recommendations for future updates (
Copyright (c) 2005 Nikhil Sharma (aka, desmasic). All rights reserved. Level-13 and any 'custom' material used in this mod/map were created by me. You are not allowed to use any music, textures, map, models etc. without my permission. You will not held me responsible for any damage caused by any file/map/mod whatever. This file (or files) has been rechecked for any problems or viruses, and is trouble free as far as I know. Use it at your own risk.
The Sierra logo, SWAT and the SWAT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sierra Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc.